Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Hmmm.... In the Hospital!!

This week!! Again! Okay, so I thought I was at home for good; not! I guess there are some things you just can't control. I'm on a 30 minute time limit AGAIN! I was just on the computer earlier for about 30 minutes and someone decided they wanted to use it, so I decided to sign in again and wait until their 30 minutes was up again and now I've got to make this a really quick 30 minutes.

Some of you know that I've been dizzy; I've been passing out, I've been having a few sleeping problems. So my regular doctor thought it was narcolepsy or sleep apnea and wanted to set me up for a sleep study; then when I showed up for a regular routine follow up with Neurology for my migraines on Monday; heck, they thought my passing out and dizziness was warranted enough for me to stay and be admitted!! I'm not too happy about this and those of you that know me, know that I am about to walk out if they don't have any answers for me soon! I am terrified though, because the "L" word also came up on Monday while I was in with the Neurologist. She wanted to know family history, and asked me of family strokes, cancers, etc. and then she asked if I had ever been tested for "Lupus". Dang it! I almost hit the floor! Then I had to tell her; I had an aunt die from Lupus at the age of 33 before they really figured out that's what it was; or rather, by the time they figured out that's what it was, it was too late, she was already out of remission. So, for the past 12+ years I had devoted about $184 to CFC through my paychecks to the Lupus foundation for research in her name. ANYWHO... Back to why I'm here at the hospital. They are running MRIs, MRAs, EEGs, EKGs, Ultrasounds of my heart, and a few other tests in order to determine if I have been having mini strokes (like I'm an idiot--that would be considered a TIA) or seizures, or anything else that might warrant lack of oxygen or blood flow to the brain...

Well, another idiot wants to use the computer, so I'm just going to drop it short since I still want to check my e-mail too... as soon as I can I'll try to post my phone number here, or you can e-mail me for it and I'll send it to you individually; I do not have a good singnal on my cell phone, and my battery is running low, plus I do not have wireless on the laptop, so that doesn't work either... Also, please do not ask any one for my phone number, as I'm a really private person, and I think if you want it, please PM me or e-mail me, and I'll be more than happy to give it to you when I get it. At this point I was told I was only going to be in the hospital for only 2 days, that has turned into 4... if I'm still here on Friday... ah ha ha ha ha...

Well, hugs!! and Merry Christmas!!
(And I thought the guys in Radiology were kidding about getting me a mailbox! Geez!!) At least I do have a private room!

BTW, for those that are planning on attending the TX ACOT Crop, I have booked a block of rooms and got a great deal!! I'll have more details, don't forget to sign up! I'm telling you, nothing will keep me away from this event! :)


Anonymous said...

Hi my dear twin siss!!
I talked to Pablo today and said to him he´s going to give you a big hug and a kiss on your forehead!! I hope he didn´t forget to do that... I´m tired of doing christmas cards now!!! 4 left to do... Then i´ve done like 30 or something... Hope you will be home soon!! I miss talking to you haven´t done that for like 3 weeks or something!! Hugs and kisses love you my dear twin siss!!/ Bah-shah

Em said...

Miss you on the MB Elise! Hope that they can figure out what's wrong with you soon and that you get to feeling better quickly! (((((HUGS)))))

Can't wait to see ya at the TX crop hon!

Your CO friend(emarie803)!

Anonymous said...

Hey lady. I know I don't e-mail as much as I should, but I do come onto your blog daily to see what is going on, I almost fell out of my chair here in the office when I read what you wrote. I hope they find out exactly what is going on. E-mail me back here at work or at home ( or Be safe and miss you.
