Well, I don't have too much to say, but I just wanted to let you all know, that I do not have access to a phone, or my e-mail. I've been very sick lately, and it's to the point where I've been here in the hospital for almost the past week; daily. I'm not sure if it's getting to the point where they are just not knowing what is wrong or if they've hit a brick wall. Yesterday I had the Upper GI done; nothing found there... Today I came back for some results and was told that with the symptoms I've been having, my sugar levels are fine (no diabetes and no hypoglycemia); but they have scheduled me to stay here and have a CT with contrast done of my head! Heck yeah I feel like I'm going crazy, but I'll do it if there is something they can pinpoint. I just ask that you all keep me in your prayers.
Weird that I can't get into my e-mail but can get into the blog, so this is how I'm hoping to catch everyone up! Also, there are problems with the home phone and the cell phone; so uh yeah, everything is on the blitz around here!! Niko has been sick too, but Pablo tells me that with the new 52" television, the puppies are starting to really get into the television and what's going on on T.V. Isn't that funny? Well, I know we used to have a Mini Schnauzer while I was growing up, and he used to absolutely LOVE to watch the Jetsons!! So... Now Niko and Sasha have become movie watchers...
Well, someone is sitting here waiting to use the computer, so I'll have to be going (only get 30 min on the computer here at the hospital, but at least I can submit to my blog!!)
Also, if you haven't already, check out http://fishinmom.blogspot.com for the Mega Freebie Christmas Around the World Kit!! She put her heart into getting it up and running. Sorry I don't have the links here in the hospital. Also, Lisa Majewski has a really pretty new kit out: "Crystal Clear" I can't wait til I'm home again to be able to use it! http://lisamajewski.blogspot.com.
I know there are some challenges over at 3Scrapateers for loads of fun and freebies, called the "Twelve Days of Christmas" in the forum; click on the link, or use http://www.3scrapateers.com. Best way to contact me I guess is the blog right now.
Happy holidays!! Merry Christmas, and I'll have some recipes for you this evening when there are less vets waiting to use the computer! I'm going to start my "12 Days of Christmas" with holiday recipes (Sweets and Drinks!!).
(((hugs to you all)))
Oh HI Elise!!! I have been so worried!! I have called home to you like an idiot and wrote e mails to you!! Started to wondering what´s going on... Hope they find something now! Do you know how long you´re going to stay there? I started to think oh i have done/said something wrong!!She doesn´t want to know me anymore and i´m not going to Texas:-( I hope to hear from you soon and get green light for coming in January!!! It´s only 36 days left!!!*happy dance* Hugs and kisses love you take care be home soon miss chatting/talking to you!!!From your twin siss and best friend in sweden
Hey Elise it's Michelle/Bayouscrap from ACOT. I'm sorry your still not feeling well and I hope that you can get some answers soon. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
Keeping you in my prayers. So sorry that you are feeling this way, especially during the holidays. We miss you and can't wait to have you back.
Hey Girl - Just now slowed down & realized that I had gotten the email of your blog. I am so sorry you are having to go thru all of that at the hospital, but glad to see you have not lost your sense of humor. Hopefully, they will figure something out soon. As always, you know you are in my prayers - all 4 of you. I hope to hear from you soon. I have been kind of lonely not having you to chat with occasionally.
Love ya girl - just keep hanging in. (((HUGS))) KYIMP
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