Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Announcments and A Little Bit of Normalcy

Well, things are almost back to normal; the dogs are running around like little village idiots--playing chase, and Sasha never being able to catch up with Niko, so I have to hear her yelping after him as they make it around the couch, up the stairs, down the hallway, back down the stairs, through the kitchen only to do that whole trip about 4 or 5 times before they're totally pooped! LOL... so finally with a little bit of quietness since they are laying right here besides my feet, I've got a quick opportunity to post!


You have got to see the new kit "Sprung" by Lisa Majewski Designs (available at DigiScrap Boutique and 3Scrapateers). Hopefully I'll have a little time to complete a LO with it and show you what you're missing if you haven't already grabbed it, and there's also a freebie on her blog!

OMG!! Of course I can't forget to tell you all that I am featured in a magazine this month!! Can you not believe it?? It's been really hard for me not to say anything sooner, but make sure you pick up your copy of the Jan/Feb issue of ScrapStyle E-zine today!! Can you say a whole write up about me and my scrapbooking hobby?? With pictures and all, plus there are gobs and gobs of freebies to download from the magazine!!

Can you believe it? Make sure to grab your copy!! It has more than 300Mb of freebies, including a whole collab kit not available in the store! I was shocked and honored when I got the call for me to be featured in the "Beginner's Corner" section of the magazine!

More later!

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